Clatterans Blog

How to Drink More Water Every Day

Water is the best thing you can put in your body. It protects your brain, lubricates your joints, regulates your body temperature, and removes waste from your body. Many of us may ignore these important facts throughout the day. Here are some great ways to help yourself drink more water every day.

Invest in a Filter: Better Filtered = Better Taste

A refrigerator filter can remove sediment and minerals, especially chlorine smells, which makes your refrigerator filtered water taste even better than expensive bottled water.

Here are some tips for drinking more filtered water every day:

Add Flavor to Your Pitcher: More Flavors = More Glassfuls

Flavor-Infused Water

Infusing water with the essence of fruits, herbs, and other botanicals can help you drink plenty of liquids without the downside of excess calories, sugars, and artificial flavorings. There are many easy combinations for natural detoxification that are good for fat-burning, digestion and relieving headaches.

Top 10 Ideas for Infused Water

  1. Strawberries + kiwi + cucumber
  2. Orange + lemon + lime
  3. Raspberries + lemon + mint
  4. Cucumber + lime + strawberry + mint
  5. Lemon + raspberry + rosemary
  6. Orange + blueberry + basil
  7. Lime + ginger root + basil
  8. Watermelon + pineapple + coconut
  9. Cucumber + mint + jalapeño
  10. Grape + raspberry + pineapple

There is beneficial hydration in every refreshing sip.

Flavor-Infused Ice Cubes

Flavor-infused ice cubes are wonderful and refreshing ingredients to be added in your drinks. Especially for summer when the air is hot, the kids are bored, and the bugs are biting. There are several amazing flavored ice cube ideas you can try to jazz up your water:

Stay hydrated, Clatterans friends.

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