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Water Chlorination: Protect Your Skin & Hair from Chlorinated Tap Water

Chlorine is the most common disinfectant used for water treatment. While water chlorination has undeniable benefits in terms of making water free from bacterial contamination, an excess amount of chlorine does cause a smell or bad taste in the water -not to mention the damage it causes to our skin and hair. Here are some of dangers of having chlorine in tap water, along with why a refrigerator filter from Clatterans can help solve this problem.

Chlorine in Tap Water Causes Damage to Skin

Recent studies in the UK and US found that hard water increases of the risk of developing eczema, which causes red, itchy, inflamed, cracked and sore skin which is exacerbated by a number of factors like stress, chemical detergents, soaps, and perfumes as well as diet and food. Ways of chlorine harming our skin and body:

Chlorine in Tap Water Does Harm to Hair

The regular exposure to chlorinated water can cause damage to hair include hair damage, hair loss and premature greying of hair. Some symptoms of consistent exposure to chlorinated water include:


How to Reduce the Damage and Protect Your Skin & Hair

An activated carbon water filtration system in your home is the best way to remove chlorine from water and protect your family from the harmful effects of chlorine. A high-quality activated carbon water filter can remove more than 99% of chlorine. Adding an adequate water filtration to your home is the safest and most cost-efficient way to remove chlorine and enjoy pure, clean water whether you’re cooking or drinking.

Equipped with activated carbon cartridges as filtration media, refrigerator water filters are good at removing not only chlorine in drinking water, but also volatile organic chemicals and other chemical pollutants. If you are searching for a fridge filter for clean drinking water for your home, you can read the article Why Clatterans.

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