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Does Drinking Water Really Help Weight Loss?

Is it true that you can lose weight through drinking water? How much should you drink to lose weight? Is lemon water more helpful than plain water for weight loss? Let’s find out the answers!

How Drinking Water Helps Weight Loss

It Fills You Up

According to studies, usually when you feel hungry, you’re actually thirsty. For example, many of the feelings associated with being hungry, such as an empty, gurgling stomach and lightheadedness, also occur when you’re dehydrated. Hence, when you feel hungry at odd times of the day, try a cup of water first. The hunger feelings will probably go away after drinking the cup of water. If not, drinking water still gives you time to assess how hungry you are and then make better food choices. As recommended by many health and diet professionals, always drink a glass of water before going to fancy dinners, cocktail parties or cinemas, which can prevent you from overeating unhealthy snack foods likely to be there.

It Speeds Up Your Metabolism and Powers Your Workouts

It’s well known that dehydration is the enemy of metabolism. When you’re dehydrated, your organs can’t function efficiently and metabolism will slow down to conserve energy in a way that fewer calories can be burnt. An easy way to speed up your metabolism is by drinking a glass of cold water every morning. When you drink cold water, your body uses extra calories to warm the water entering your system up to body temperature, increasing your metabolism in the process. If you plan to exercise later, your body especially needs an adequate amount of water to function properly. It’s a simple procedure to add into your daily routine which will contribute to your weight loss efforts.

It Keeps You from Drinking Other things

According to a 2015 BMC Public Health study of more than 1,100 adults found that every 3.4 ounces of plain water consumption result in a 0.7-ounce reduction in caloric beverages. That means, the more plain water you drink, the less high-calorie beverages you would consume. So it’s time to give up bevs like sugary coffee drinks, soda, and juice if you want to ensure the success of your fitness plan.

Drinking Water Keeps You Healthy

If you’re regularly working out to lose weight, keeping hydrated is extremely important as it helps you fight fatigue. And water can flush out toxins from your body, including those produced during exercise. It aids in keeping your joints lubricated–very important for both daily functions and in preventing your body from injury during exercise. It also helps prevent headaches naturally and keeps the kidneys working well.

Does Drinking Lemon Water Help You Lose More Weight?

According to studies, lemon water will not make people lose weight because there is no compound in it that will either speed up metabolism or decrease calorie absorption. And lemon water does not really detox your body. It would put you in an extreme feeling of calorie deficit and starve you of essential micro- and macronutrients, which slows down your metabolism and won’t help your body function at its proper levels. If you are looking to cleanse your digestive system, you can do so through consumption of fiber and drinking plenty of water.

How much should you drink for weight loss?

As a good rule of thumb, you should always drink water when you’re thirsty and drink enough to quench your thirst. If you are in a bad mood, constantly hungry, have a headache or have trouble concentrating, then you may suffer from mild dehydration. Drinking more water may help fix this. Based on the studies, drinking 1-2 liters (34-67 ounces) of water per day should be sufficient to help with weight loss. To remember this more easily, drink 4-8 Glasses of 8-oz water every day.

However, this is just a general guideline. Some people may need less, while others may need a lot more. Also, it is recommended to drink well-filtered refrigerator water as it‘s healthy and revs up your metabolism.

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